200HV-5 Low load Vickers hardness tester


Direct loading Vickers and micro Vickers integrated machine

Main features Application scope
Direct loading of weights, high test force accuracy Nitrided layer, ceramics, steel, non-ferrous metals
High precision optical measurement system Thin plates, metal sheets, electroplated coatings, miniature specimens
Optional video system CCD image processing system Gradient measurement of nitride layer, carburizing layer, and quenching hardening layer
Test force cover microscopy and Vickers test requirements
Automated testing process with no human error in operation Precision Vickers hardness measurement suitable for parallel planes, small parts, and ultra-thin parts
Equipped with precision coordinate test bench
Accuracy meets GB/T4340.2, ISO 6507-2 and ASTM E92


Main technical specifications
Measuring range 5-3000HV
Experimental force 1.961, 2.942, 4.903, 9.807, 19.61, 24.52,
29.42, 49.03N    (0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0,
2.5, 3.0, 5.0kgf)
Measurement system magnification 500X, 125X
Minimum testing unit 0.25μm
Duration Time 0-99s
Maximum allowable sample height 130mm
Distance from the center of the pressure head to the machine wall 110mm
Coordinate test bench size 100×100mm
Coordinate test bench travel 25×25mm
Coordinate test bench division value 0.01mm
Light source 12V/20W
Language Chinese, English
Power Supply AC220V  50/60Hz
Whole machine power consumption ≤50W
External dimensions 486×337×657mm
Weight 68kg


Standard equipment
• Coordinate test bench: 1 • Thin axis test bench:1  • Thin plate test bench:1
• Flat nose pliers: 1    • Large V-shaped block:1   • Small V-shaped block:1
• Diamond cone indenter: 1   • Vickers Hardness standard block: 2
• Standard microhardness block:1


Optional equipment
• Video System CCD Vickers Image Processing System

