Equilibradora automática de rotores Edrive YNQ40P-A1
Categoría Máquina equilibradora
- Using single system control(KEYENCE PLC system).theoperation issimple and the stablity is good.
- For the rotor wihinthe compatible range.the variety convar-sion can be completed wthout changing the tooling.
- Theswitch of rotor cuting radius is fulyautomatic withoutmanual adjustmentof mechanical parts
- Theswitch of different laminated rotors isfully automatic,andthere is no need to manuallyadjustthe mechanical parts(whenthe swing trame is automaticaly adjusted left and right).
- The system integrates the standardrotormaking function.whichcan bemadeby users themsehes.
- The rotors wih different shaft diameters can be adjustedaccordingto the shaft diameterofthe scale
- Theutliy modelhasthe function ot ironchip suction channel switching.and makes full use of the suction force of thevacuum deaner.
- Wih the functionof electrictool setting,the user can realizeone key tool setting independently.
- The cutting motor is aservo motor,which can set the cutingspeed for different materials.
- The caibration function is open to users,and the calibrationrasult system automatically judges(“excelen,good,poor)
- The left and right direction of the support swing can befullyadjustedto adapt to different support spacing (optional).elt can be equipped with drll lubricationsystem(optional).tcan beecuipped with iing mechanism to facilitate loadingand unlbading(optional).
- Alarge number of parameters areopen in the software,andthe debugging of new productscan bedone byusers them-sekes without additionalcost.
- When cutting,thenon cuting posion (hole,oilgroove,etc.)canbe avoided.
- Acoording to the user’s requirements,somecustomizeddevelopment can be made(thedevelopment content shall beindlkated in the technical agreement).