Probador de dureza Burawoy tipo computadora HBRVT-187.5


The measured Rockwell hardness value can be directly displayed by the host computer, and Brinell and Vickers can be measured and read directly by the computer, without manual measurement, which makes the hardness test realize automatic operation.

main technical parameters:
Rockwell test force 60kgf (588.4N), 100kgf (980.7N), 150kgf (1471N)
Brinell test force 30kgf (294.2N), 31.25kgf (306.5N), 62.5kgf (612.9N), 100kgf (980.7N), 187.5kgf (1839N)
Vickers test force 30kgf (294.2N), 100kgf (980.7N)
Indenter specification Diamond Rockwell hardness penetrator , Diamond Vickers hardness penetrator  Φ1.588mm、Φ2.5mm、Φ5mm球压头
Indication of Hardness Value The digital display LCD reads the hardness value
surveying rod HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HBW1/30, HBW2.5/31.25, HBW2.5/62.5, HBW2.5/187.5, HBW5/62.5, HBW10/100,HV30, HV100
Exchange Scales HV, HK, HRA, HRB, HRC, HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG,HRK, HR15N, HR30N, HR45N, HR15T,HR30T, HR45T, HS, HBW
Microscope magnification Brinel:37.5×,Vickers:75×
micrometer eyepiece ** Small degree value Brinel:0.5μm,Vickers:0.25μm
Hardness value resolution Rockwell:0.1HR,Brinel:0.1HBW,Vickers:0.1HV
Duration time 0~60s
data output Computer output
Sample maximum height Rockwel:185mm,Brinel:100mm,Vickers:115mm
Distance from indenter center to machine wall 165mm
Fuerza AC220V,50Hz
executive standard ISO 6508,ASTM E18,JIS Z2245,GB/T 230.2
ISO 6506,ASTM E10,JIS Z2243,GB/T 231.2
ISO 6507,ASTM E92,JIS Z2244,GB/T 4340.2
boundary dimension 500×240×740mm,carton size650×370×980mm
Peso 80kg,GW:105kg